Leitfaden wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Religions­wissenschaft

Word Processing

The mode of production of academia is the writing of texts. Therefore, a good word processor is an important tool. But it is also important to use the possibilities of the corresponding applications. The training period is quickly compensated for by convenient features such as automatically generated tables of contents.

Office Applications

Office word processors are the most common, especially Microsoft Word. Equal (or even superior) to this for most applications for academic work is the program Writer from the LibreOffice package. The latter is also attractive for students because it can be downloaded free of charge.

Office word processors offer a comfortable possibility to enter texts directly in the way they will (probably) look later in print. However, this tempts one to fixate on the formal appearance of one’s output. Later on, this can make corrections and formatting changes more difficult. Therefore, some details for the use of these programs must be observed.

Word processors save documents by default in their own formats, which cannot be reopened everywhere. If you send papers to lecturers or fellow students, please note the information in the section File Formats.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a popular word processing program and part of the “Microsoft Office” program package. Microsoft Office is sold in different versions with different features, usually including at least Microsoft Word (word processing), Microsoft Excel (spreadsheets) and Microsoft PowerPoint (presentations). Microsoft Office is available for the Windows and MacOSX operating systems.

As a student of RUB, you can use Microsoft Office 365 free of charge as long as you are enrolled. For more information see https://www.it-services.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/services/software/microsoft.html.de.

LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice Writer is a word processing program and part of the LibreOffice program suite. LibreOffice includes Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheet), Impress (presentations) and other components for graphics, mathematical formulas and databases. Unlike Microsoft Office, LibreOffice is available free of charge as open source software. You can use it freely even after leaving the university. LibreOffice is available for the operating systems Windows, MacOSX, Linux and others.

For further information and downloads see https://www.libreoffice.org/.

Paragraph Styles

The key to using word processors are the paragraph styles. These allow you to assign not only a certain formatting to text parts (e.g. font size 14pt, bold font), but also a meaning (e.g. first-order headline). This allows among other things:

Therefore, you should immediately get into the habit of always using a template instead of setting formatting directly. This applies not only to headings, but also to block quotations, footnotes, and others.

Automatic Tables of Contents

To ensure that the information in the table of contents actually corresponds to the page numbers in the document, it is recommended to use automatic tables of contents. These can automatically create a directory of chapters based on the templates for headings. When changes are made in the document, the table of contents is also updated automatically.

It is also recommended to use so-called “fields” for references in the text (e.g. to other chapters), which are also updated automatically. And the page numbers themselves should always be updated automatically.

File Formats

As long as documents are only used on your own computer and only passed on in printed form, it is quite irrelevant in which format the files are stored. Every application has a preset format, which can be used for its own purposes without any problems.

However, if you pass on documents electronically, e.g. because you are sending your paper to the lecturer by e-mail, you must pay attention to the file format used. It cannot be assumed that the lecturer will use the same program as you, and not all applications can read all formats.

In order to avoid unnecessary problems, the following guidelines should therefore be followed: